White Line

8 Breeds of Adorable Dog likely to Bite

White Line

Beloved, friendly, loyal, but may bite if not exercised & trained. Needs regular activity and socialization.

1. Labrador Retriever

White Line

Affectionate, gentle, trainable, but may bite when threatened. Socialization & training crucial to prevent issues.

2. Golden Retriever

White Line

Dachshunds can be prone to biting due to hunting instincts. Patience, positive training, and gentle handling are vital.

3. Dachshund

White Line

tiny, fiery, may nip; early socialization & boundaries reduce biting tendency.

4. Chihuahua

White Line

High energy & intelligent. Needs exercise & mental stimulation to prevent nipping/biting. Happy & well-behaved with proper care.

5. Jack Russell Terrier

White Line

friendly, affectionate but may get possessive. Teach sharing & positive training for safety.

6. Cocker Spaniel

White Line

Affectionate, sensitive; set boundaries to avoid bites. Create safe, quiet spaces when overwhelmed. Handle with care.

7. Shih Tzu

White Line

Misunderstood history, not inherently aggressive. Socialization and responsible ownership prevent biting

8. Pit Bull Terrier

8 Breeds of Adorable Dog Likely to Stick to Their Owner Like Glue